Working on computers needs to be safe for the employee and the company

Authentication and identity management: a challenge for companies

All companies that have an IT system must face a lot of challenges regarding cybersecurity and many other issues. Some problems can be solved with authentication and identity management. In this article, we will explain what this is and how it helps to create a better and safer IT system for companies.

Identity and access management

Tackling the issue of identity and access management allows to simplify how the access rights of each users are managed and it also makes sure that the company is in compliance with regulations about this particular subject. In a nutshell, identity and access management, also called IAM, deals with the identity management of the people working for the company, whether they are employees, service providers, partners etc…, and the management of their access rights according to their role, department, what they are allowed to access or not etc…

This is important for a company as some people may have the right to access some information and others don’t. This means that when they log in on a company service, they should access what they can and what they need without any problem.

IT systems need to be safer and safer

Identity and access management allows a centralized management and the management of different levels of authorization which result in less risk of errors and greater IT system safety.

Sign-on and authentication

Cybersecurity in a company is also achieved through the safety of the authentication system. This can be both safe and simple. This is what a unique single sign-on (SSO) allows to do. SSO combined with strong authentication allows to make the IT system safer and simpler for the user.

Working on computers needs to be safe for the employee and the company

In fact, there is a single password for all IT resources and secondary passwords in case of emergency. Setting up multi-factor authentication increases the level of safety and when the system is safer it helps reducing costs.

To get more information on virtualization, cybersecurity and digital confidence, please visit Systancia.